Cannabis Hardware
Flat Coil by Cannabis Hardware
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- Flat Enail Coil
- Braided Kevlar Sheath Protects Wires
- NewVape Velcro Strap
- Available in 110v or 220v
- 110v Works in North America
- 220v Works in UK, EU, AU
- Works with all controllers VGoodiEZ sells
- 30 day warranty
*The newVape 30 day warranty only applies to customers that have purchased auber controllers from newvape. Although the plug may fit that doesn't mean it's wired correctly for all pid controllers on the market with a similar xlr connector. If you attempt to plug a coil into an improperly wired enail pid, the coil will most likely short out and destroy the coil, as power has just been sent thru the thermocoupler circuit. This will also likely flip your house breaker. It's our recommendation that you purchase your replacement coils from the manufacturer of the pid. For your convenience, we have posted the auber coil pinout below. Please do your research and verify that the pinouts are correct for your enail pid controller. We try to keep an updated blog post with the popular pinouts to bring clarity to the subject.
1 - Power (white)
2 - Power (white)
3 - Thermocoupler (red)
4 - Thermocoupler (black)
5 - ground (green)
2 - Power (white)
3 - Thermocoupler (red)
4 - Thermocoupler (black)
5 - ground (green)